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Thunder Bay, Ontario

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Musical Therapy

Music as therapy can enhance communication, support change, and facilitate more resourceful, creative living. Learn to use music for emotional, physical and functional improvement.

Minstrel's Meridian - Calm

The new instrumental album, Minstrels' Meridian - Calm, performed and recorded by Musicality's Jim Gillies: "It dawned on me one day: I needed to convey moods through instrumental guitar playing and record them for my own therapy. First I got excited, then I had to calm down. And so I chose those songs that did just that: calm me."

1. Beauty and Bands listen
2. A Walking Lullaby listen
3. Mother May I listen
4. Two Guitars listen
5. Slow Cha Cha listen
6. C'est une Gavotte listen
7. Song of the Morning Star listen
8. Homesick listen
9. It's Time to Sleep Now listen
10. A Russian Lullaby listen
Musical Medicine
Soft and gentle, clear and kind,
Easy to have on my mind.
Sweet, friendly, safe and warm,
Soothing relief, as in from the storm!
A peaceful, pleasing serenade,
My "Minstrels' Meridian" means anxiety's gone,
And wisdoms' beautiful rest is hear to stay!

To purchase a copy of Minstrel's Meridian - Calm, send an email to